Leemon Agbonjagwe Ikpea – The Adolor Of Ewatto Kingdom

What a tremendous bolt of lightning created by Mother Nature out of thin air, a fantastic combination of strength and beauty. We’ve seen still photographs of lightning bolts, ferocious in its strength, magnificent in its elegance. And at the moment of impact, it lights up everything around it so you can see everything clearly. It struck at the middle of Africa’s darkest night, in the heart of its most threatening gathering storm (poverty). His power toppled the mighty foes and his intense light shined on Nigeria and Esanland in particular and we were able to see clearly: injustice, inequality, poverty, pride, self-realization, courage, laughter, love, joy and economy freedom for all. He forced us to take a look at our lives, taught us that life is best when you build bridges between people, not walls.
The captain steering the ship of affairs of ALIF (Agbonjagwe Leemon Ikpea Foundation) is a globetrotter and a change agent. A man to watch, great philanthropist and an inspiration to the younger generation of Nigerians, showing that with determination, diligence and passion, their dreams can be achieved and also put to good use for the improvement of the society we live in.
Society Celebration met with this handsome leader full of life and very enthusiastic and eager to succeed in his vision to rid of ardent poverty and lack from the society. He is very relaxed, contented man who is proud of his achievements thus far and re-assured us that he is confident that the flight is on schedule to continue to deliver to HIS people as much as they have a just course.
Hail from Ewatto in Esan North East Local Government Area of Edo State. Raised from a very humble background, his parents had stings of poverty and unable to give quality education to Leemon and his two younger brothers. Chief (Dr)Leeman Ikpea being the eldest child had to do menial jobs to raise money to support his parent’s income. Half way through his Secondary School education, Chief (Dr) Leemon Ikpea, lost his lovely mother who was the bread winner of the family. At this point, things became very difficult and challenging for him, though summed up courage but soon lost his father now left with his siblings to fate and face the life taxing circumstances.
Chief (Dr) Leemon Ikpea grew up in Warri now part of Delta State, but before the sudden departure of his parents, Leemon and his siblings were greatly imparted with strong virtues that could help them overcome the hurdles of life, they were dedicated Christians. He never allowed the poverty stricken circumstances of his background to obstruct his educational pursuit, so he had to struggle through life, doing menial jobs and hawking, among other petty things.
Growing up in life, Chief (Dr) Leemon Ikpea, very serious minded and hard working person knew he would be self-employed and owe his own company one day, with accumulated wealth of experience spanning from several foreign companies both in engineering and construction. When he resigned from the last employment two and a half decades ago, based on his experience he established his own company (Lee Construction and Engineering Oil and Gas company), his dream come true. At this point, lack was now a thing of the past. Lucky Chief (Dr) Leemon Ikpea would always have a referrer to another company each time the foreign company he is working with finishes its contract, because of his good track record.
His company enjoys very good patronage from multinational establishments like the NNPC, Shell because of the good working relationship he has had with them via the formal companies he worked with. These companies (clients) knew his delivery capabilities so they trusted and build up very good relationship with him, which is still on going.
Chief (Dr) Leemon Ikpea soon started to receive awards and tittles world over. He was conferred with an honorary degree of Doctor of Business Administration at the Ambrose Alli University, Ekpoma. In accepting this award, we are reminded that the good work and philanthropic lifestyle of Leemon Ikpea, continues to inspire generations of people to discover and cultivate their own path to greatness and to use their talents and successes to empower others in communities all over the world. This award allows Leemon’s legacy, to live on through the people he inspire. He also had the highest traditional tittle in his home Town, The Adolor of Ewatto (means the repairer).
Chief (Dr) Leemon Ikpea, felt it was necessary to always remember his parents who fought for them but never live to enjoy the dividend of their labour by immortalizing them with a foundation that would always give to the needy. The first remembrance ceremony of the parents (Johnson and Ikpea, in their blessed memories) of the Adolor of Ewatto, Chief Leemon Ikpea came up on the 17th of November, 2012 at his country home-Ewatto in Esan North East Local Government Area of Edo State. He also used the event to unveil the Leemon Ikpea foundation.