High Chief Peter Ojemen (JP, MFR) Alias Don P, celebrates 50th and Baby Miami Miracle’s Ojemen Dedication.

High Chief Peter Ojemen alias Don P and his lovely wife introduce their Beautiful Baby Miami Miracle Ojemen , and tell Society Celebration about her dramatic arrival.
As we arrive at Chief Ojemen’s mansion at 70 Ukiwe, Utako district, Abuja. Chief’s wife is the picture of new baby’s mum bliss, lovingly feeding her newborn baby girl in her arms. Just weeks earlier Don P’s wife was in a recovery room as doctors delivered her baby after many hours of labor, though her previous children’s birth never took that long, went very smoothly, hour later baby’s mum suffered a frightening panic attack which led her to spend her first night with baby. “I was terrified”, she tells Society Celebration! ‘I’ve just given birth suddenly I was being taken away for more observation, I didn’t see my baby, it wasn’t funny, our God is on the throne.’
The baby is adorably cute, sleeps soundly during our visit. ‘She is very pretty and looks like her daddy. Chief Ojemen beams proudly. The couple knows baby Miracle is all the more special as she will be their last as the couple- who are already parents to three beautiful lovely children.
The couple who are devoted Christians sets a date to dedicate their child, baby Miracle to the Lord Almighty, ‘child dedication is a ceremony that signifies your commitment to uphold that trust. It is an event that symbolizes your pledge to raise your child in a Christian home and church where he or she can come to know, love and serve Jesus,’ Says Chief Ojemen.
Chief and Mrs Ojemen and family were joined by a mammoth crowed of well wishers to church dedication of their lovely baby Miss Miami Miracle Ojemen, to thank God for his miracle delivering of Mrs Ojemen and to dedicate the child to God Almighty.
The church dedication service was presided over by the General Overseer of the church himself and was attended by many friends from far and near, the priest has asked everyone present to be very close to God who is the greatest physician, taking cue from this very miracle.
Towards the tail end of the service, the General Overseer of the church made a fund raising announcement, for the completion of the church’s permanent site building. At this point, Chief Tony Anenih, who goes by the appellations of ‘The Leader’, ‘Mr Fix It’, Chairman of the Board of Trustees (BOT) of the People’s Democratic Party (PDP) the Nigerian ruling party, was also at the dedication service ably invited by chief Ojemen, whom he Chief Tony Anenih fondly called my boy.
As he stood up to pick the microphone, come and see! The whole church started with melodious songs, pulsating drumbeats, hilarious laughter and encomiums showered on him by the teeming admirers of secular friends, political associates, family members and the general public. Surprisingly, he donated the sum of ten million naira and the pdp chairman for Edo state, Dan Orbih also donated the sum of Five million Naira and donations started pouring in.
A reception followed immediately at the church premises for those that are not able to make it to the celebrant’s house. ‘I am indeed very happy; it’s our day of joy….’ Chief Ojemen said to the barrage of news reporters who ran up to him for comments. What more would parents desire? The traditional dancers that is specially arranged from home had warm up the venue before the arrival of guests from church.
The coast got cleared for the Couple, Chief and Mrs Ojemen they, danced and showed their mettle as they reeled their dancing steps like in a dance club. Friends and well wishers also joined and it was dance all the way.
The one thing that is intriguing in the whole celebration is the fact that almost everybody that attended the ceremony right from the church service bit was there till the reception. And that is a mark of honor to Chief and Mrs.
One of the very notable branches of communication is telecommunication, which is assisted transmission of signals over a distance. Telecommunication is an important part of the world’s economy. One of the
immensely successful telecommunication companies in Africa today is Don P Communications. Through its international spread, Don P Communications has established itself as one of the world’s top communication companies facilitating easy access of telecommunication.
The CEO of Don P Communications, Chief Peter Aboiralor-nose Ojiemen, through his relentless efforts in making life as easy for many, earned himself the remark Don P ‘desire of all nations’. Others prefer to call him the ‘timber of strength’.
When Don sojourned to Japan as a curious initiative investor he never thought it would be a base to expand his business prowl. He started a business venture in Japan and soon began to thrive beyond his imagination. Still resident in Japan, Don extended to Seoul, South Korea and opened a company called
Hiro-Oje Investment Limited. Whilst in an exhibition in Seoul, Don P met Nigeria’s exminister of communication and the director of Nigerian Telecommunication (Nitel) and so ideas flourished. Don P was then urged to come to Nigeria to establish a company in communication branch and be of some favor to the Nigerian people. “The ex-minister saw how well my business was doing in Seoul he urged me to come home and assist my people.”
Don P then returned to Nigeria in 2001 and established Don P Communications. Don P Communications is presently in the leading league of African communication companies and many other c o m m u n i c a t i o n companies rely on its alliance for survival. Don P Communications is the major partner of MTN. They are number one in terms of turnover, which has reached the region of over Five billion Naira monthly. “Coming home and establishing this communication company was a great move. We are doing extremely well with staff strength of close to a thousand.”
Don P has been very well appreciated by the people he devoted his love, expertise and business ideas to his main aim of establishing in his home country was a blessing to his people and his homeland.
In recognition of his outstanding virtues and contributions to the socio-economic development of our great country, Nigeria Don P is the recipient of over 200 different awards of honor from both the public and private sectors of the economy. He has been appericated and applauded with chieftaincy titles such as the Osula of Opoji, the Onolenegbe of Irrua and the Aigbonomen of Esan land. Don P Communications has received awards such as MTN Best Performing award, Globalcom Best Performing award and more. “My reason for coming home to establish is to be able to help our great country Nigeria, I enjoy it because its working fine and the people are really appreciative.”