I’ve written about my dear friend Jack in this magazine before, and it’s incredibly likely that the past will repeat itself. Jack is one of the wisest and most honorable people I’ve ever known, I cannot fathom a world in which our friendship wouldn’t exist. Over the years, Jack has mentored more young people than you could account for. His advice has enabled the younger generation not only to become successful entrepreneurs but also to better themselves.

Hung on the wall in his personal office in Los Angeles there hung a portrait, “The best thing a father can do for his children is to love their mother.” Such a passage exudes humility and grace – both virtues which Jack exhibited to inspire and urge young entrepreneurs. He often encouraged them to always read the front page of daily journals, and local newspapers every morning, so they would have insights into pressing current affairs, enabling them to build on their commercial acumen which would bode well for discussions with their respective clients.

Jack is a calculated man, he prides himself on virtues and strongly advocates helping others. I remember each month, he would take one of his peers out to breakfast and ask them about their “balance wheel”, a system he created that addresses 10 aspects of every person’s life that should be in balance if they are to be happy and fulfilled. There’s wealth, which includes saving for retirement or putting money aside to buy a home, and health, which includes diet, exercise and rest.

Spirituality was also quintessential to his ideology. Whether that meant going to church on Sunday or devoting yourself to some spiritual practice that nurtured your soul. Jack is one of the most disciplined people I know. I have never seen him order a salad without asking for dressing on the side. He gets up at 5 a.m. every day to exercise. He is also a devoted husband, father and grandfather. His wife Catherine (Cat) have been married for decades, you’d be surprised by just how close they were, you can still see the infatuation they have for one another.

Recently I received a handwritten note from Jack, which may be deemed a rather archaic form of communication, but I’m sure no- one would argue the nostalgic, sentimental value that accompanies such a treasured, dying art. The letter read “The April issue is you!” he wrote. And then, Jack being Jack, he shared what he calls the four major disciplines we must relentlessly pursue. 1. Acceptance of personal accountability with visualization and responsibility 2. Deferring gratification, which means postponing rewards, not denying them 3. Dedication to C.I.I.P. (Consistent Incremental Improvement Program) 4. The balance of all your values in a way that develops you and your potential for fulfillment. “I live by these four,” he told me, however I was already aware of this. The challenge was to now embrace this and administer it in accordance with the way I live my life.

Ike Ijeh a young chartered architect with an endless ambition and iron will just tied the nuptials knot with his heart throb beautiful wife Folake Ijeh nee Owoade, at the West Minster Cathedral in London. The wedding which was officiated by Reverend Father Cannon Christopher Tuckwell and Reverend Father Michael, at the city of Westminster, London on Saturday, July 11th 2018 witnessed an
unprecedented crowd as guests flooded the Cathedral to witness the holy matrimony.

That’s not all, one of the most discussed stories this year the royal wedding, where Prince Harry and Meghan Markle exchanged vows in front of 600 decorated guests including the Queen, more than 30 royals and famous faces such as Oprah Winfrey, tennis champion Serena Williams, actor George Clooney and his barrister wife Amal Clooney, Sir Elton John, David and Victoria Beckham and actor Idris Elba.

Meghan Markle has become the first mixed race person in modern history to marry a British senior royal. She found fame in the US legal drama Suits playing the character Rachel Zane, and a number of her former co-stars, including Patrick J Adams (Michael Ross) and Gabriel Macht (Harvey Spector) were present for her big day.

In this issue, we feature Charles Molen, an affluent property developer, whose rise to fame and success can be traced back to an earlier period in his career when his portfolio predominantly consisted of redeveloping smaller-scale properties in Northwest London. Charles now creates bespoke, industry-leading luxurious apartments across the whole of London – boasting a portfolio valued well beyond millions of pounds.

Once again, we have the Lord Almighty to thank for the earthly life of NATASHA ISIMEME OJIE, my little angel who passed unto the Lord at a tender age of five and half years. In aid of her memory the magazine and its staple publications, a multinational beauty pageant and non-Governmental Organisation was formed. May her soul continue to rest in the bosom of the Lord; Amen.

Our message is clear, the philosophy of the magazine is to promote and celebrate the people. For unrivalled content and enticing insights into current affairs all over, I implore you to read this edition from cover to cover, we assure you of an incomparable experience, stay blessed.

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