Ivie and Tsola-The Grand Cocktail & Reception

Comments and Tears of Joy at the Wedding
Unlike the elaborate Traditional wedding ceremonies, which was more crowded and tight, the London White Wedding was more relaxed, with Society Celebration being able to get some commentaries for the record. When it came to speech delivery, there was barely a dry eye in the room that did not hold back his or her tears, as Tsola, and best man, amongst other things thus declared as he addressed the crowd; “I managed to get through it. But, every time I’d practised, I wasn’t able to finish without crying”
To Society Celebration, Ivie the Bride declared; “I was very calm. It was a lovely moment. The church service was the best hour of my life,’ After a short moment of hesitation, she declared again; “When we got to the church, I took a tip from my dad and just looked at my husband. I stayed my gaze at him and I would have been overwhelmed if I had looked at everyone else. I was trying not to cry but by the time my blurry eyesight got him in full view, I couldn’t help it. It was tears of joy”