Jules And Disi Ties The Nuptial Knot In A Grand Style

Signing the dotted line… Saying, “I DO” At the “Ingrace Multi-Purpose Garden”, by the International Conference Centre.
In all that we do, God comes first, that is the dictum. The families of Nnorom Chinyere Julian & Disi Otomewo Daniel have come to handover their children in this holy matrimony to God, the Officiating Ministers were: Pastor Tunde Dada the Presiding Pastor while Pastor John Wee Resident Pastor and Bro Lalai Joshua the Service Conductor, honorably charged the couple to look at each other as one. Glowingly, the “Ingrace Multi-purpose Gardens”, by the International Conference Centre, Central Business District, the preferred choice of both Bride and Groom for the solemnization of their holy matrimony, brightens up with the colours of the day, Black tie Affairs.
The conduct of the service was quintessential, especially as the church band choir sings hymns that eulogizes the holiness of God and matrimony while the declaration of “I DO” was conducted in front of the emergency alter set up for the day as the wedding band was finally slipped into jule’s finger. One thing that is peculiar with all the church services is the solemn atmosphere it usually carries. This blissfulness was not lost in this occasion. This was evident from what some of the eminent dignitaries said; “this is one of the fulfillment of life. As a young yupee myself, I cannot but rejoice with my friend.
When you do this for yourself in life, you have achieved one of the success in life…”
Finally, the process of transition is complete, – Now the woman has become the wife, let the go between simmer. From this day on, Jules will now be known and called Mrs Daniel. What a graceful journey, especially that it’s her heart’s desire. The last prayers for the couple reverberated from the pastors as the congregation stood as a mark of respect for these two who had willingly come to be one. As they move through the aisle alongside the bridal train to exit the set up church, at the “Ingrace Multi-purpose Gardens”, the hymn – guide me o thou great Jehovah, favored their steps. And so the solemnization came to an end the wedding reception follows immediately. “Love is the reason. Lifelong friendship is the gift. Kindness is the cause; till death do them part is their strength”. “For he who finds a good wife, finds a good thing and obtains favor from the Lord”.