DR MRS NGOZI OLEJEME – Inspiring the Nigeria’s Women Folks

Mrs. Ngozi Juliet Olejeme is a perfect example of a woman persona, who has broken free from ‘imposed’ and ‘self-imposed’ blockades that usually dragged behind, most individual women from achieving their dreams, in a nation’s scheme of things usually predetermined and dominated by the males. Being a seasoned administrator, philanthropist, entrepreneur and politician etc., she dominated the corporate world, before delving into politics.
Now, more than before, she has increased her presence in corporate and political governance, serving as chair and director on the board of some key companies and government establishments in Nigeria and abroad, such as the Nigeria Social Insurance Trust-fund (NSITF). She also holds the forte on the Board of the Subsidy Re-Investment Program (SURE-P) and Trust Fund Pension, among others. She presently serves as the Director of finance in the Goodluck Support Group (GSC), which is an organization set up for the support of President Goodluck Jonathan.