Interesting Times When Odd Things Don’t Sound Just As Odd, But Amusing

The story is told of an old Nigerian man, Pa Kunle, who, despite the fact that he had been living in United Kingdom of Great Britain for decades, kept referring to ‘Lagos’ as home. In his preferred hang-out bar, ‘The Dorchester’ a place for the selected few (rich and famous) he would assure his friends that he was preparing to go ‘home’, that this was in fact his last year in England.

The Oldman was not in the system, never bothered to vote; he did not know who his local MP was nor did he cared to know. His only contact with the council was when poll taxes and rates bills are paid, and when aspiring councilors came knocking on his door in search of votes, he showed them away with the exclamation: ‘Why are you disturbing me? I’m not from this country; am going back home soon!’

When Pa Kunle died, at the ripe old age of 82, it was in an old people’s home in Hampstead. Home of the greater people, at long last, was a bleak, lonely cemetery some two hundred meters away from his house in Regent’s Park. He had lived in London, but he was never part of London. He was in England, but he carried Lagos in his head like the proverbial hornbill. Because he lived life in the future without really making the best of the present, he lived without really living.

It is significant though that the thought has not sunk in among Africans and Caribbean people living in the United Kingdom of Great Britain that they now constitute a significant social force in Britain, and could if they bend their minds to it, turn this into a political force as well. Nothing can be as interesting as living in interesting times. Times when odd things don’t sound just as odd, but amusing. And this happens every day, and everywhere in the world.

Once again, a high drama has been playing out in Nigeria, the biggest black nation in the world. In the past few weeks, the poor people of Nigeria have been amused with stamping tale of secret corruption scam maneuvering among members of legislators, padded the 2016 budget to the tune of N481 billion. The Chairman of the House of Representatives Committee on Appropriation, Abdul Jibrin, told the world that the Speaker allowed 10 committee chairmen to insert projects worth N284 billion and washed his hands off the illegal action.

That is not all, for many months past, the media have been taken over by the coming America election, the most powerful seat in the world. But weeks ago there was fanfare and celebrity galore when Hillary Clinton made history by becoming the first female candidate to run for US President. These times are indeed interesting. Also in this edition, we feature Her Majesty the Queen’s ninetieth birthday and her endorsement for Theresa May, a Conservative politician, became Britain’s second female prime minister and the second longest serving home office secretary in the past 100 years.

Mr Stanley Unugboke, makes waves in the designs and décor industry. He creates unique bespoke designs and décor that isn’t meant for faint of hearts, its flamboyant, breath-taking bold style, pushes boundaries of clients’ comfort zone. Its indeed very rare to find such uniquely crafted art décor in hospitality corridors just yet in Africa.

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Take your time reading this fully packaged edition and ‘SOCIETY CELEBRATION’ team wish you all the very best.

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